Plastic Caps and Plugs Assist Design Engineers in Protecting HVAC Components

HVAC ToolsAs though the economic pressures alone are not enough, the HVAC industry is facing regulatory demands brought about by the looming financial crisis. The quest to find alternative energy sources and improve efficiency standards is a direct result of the Department of Energy's reactions to the economic conditions. To help reduce fossil fuel consumption in typical household furnaces, the DOE is raising the efficiency standard. At one time, a premium unit meant high efficiency, but soon high efficiency will be standard. This is a tough assignment, especially while trying to prevent passing the costs along to the consumer.

There are some things the HVAC design engineers can count on regardless of the complexity of their task. Plastic caps and plugs will continue to provide high-value protection needed for current or new designs. Complex components of HVAC systems, such as heat exchangers, condensers and compressors, require protection from contaminants to prevent extensive damage. On the surface, plastic caps and plugs appear a minor piece of the puzzle, but design engineers know a simple protective cap or plug could mean thousands of dollars in preventative measures. Plastic caps and plugs are instrumental in defending HVAC components from harsh elements.

Like the design engineers, StockCap knows the importance of safeguarding HVAC components from dirt, dust and moisture. For over 50 years, StockCap has supplied the HVAC industry with plastic end caps, vinyl caps, tube end caps, tapered plugs and rubber seal plugs, which work extremely well with copper tubing often found in HVAC units. To assist HVAC design engineers, the StockCap website displays the best options specific to each major component. The StockCap online store provides smaller quantities to help during the prototype and testing phases of component design.

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